Saifee Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Saifee Hospital was inaugurated on June 4, 2005 by the Honourable Ex-Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh.It was the culmination of a noble desire by Late His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin (RA) to build a hospital that would cater to the essential healthcare needs of the common man and dedicate it to the memory of his revered father, His Holiness Dr.Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA). Now Saifee Hospital has completed 16 years of selfless service to humanity in rendering medical treatment to our valued patients. The Hospital's core strength is Prevention is better than Cure .
To acheive excellence in healthcare by providing world-class preventive, curative and holistic care to individuals from every strato of society in a safe ethical and affordable manner.
Saifee hospital aims to provide state of the art technology for diagnostic and therapeutic sevices to patients in a world class ambience with passion and precision
Dr. Arun Doshi
Nephrologist, Mumbai, India
Senior Consultant, 35 years of experience , , ,
Dr. Arun Doshi is a nephrologist with 35+ years of experience.
He completed a Fellowship in Nephrology from USA.
Dr. Samuel Mathew Kalarickal
Interventional Cardiologist, Mumbai, India
Visiting Consultant, 39 years of experience Saifee Hospital
With 39+ years of experience, Dr. Samuel Mathew Kalarickal is a cardiologistand is known as the father of angioplasty in India
Dr. Lekha Adik Pathak
Interventional Cardiologist, Mumbai, India
Emeritus Consultant, 40 years of experience , , ,
Dr. Lekha Adik Pathak is a cardiologistwith 40+ years of experience.
Dr. Reshma Rao
Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, Mumbai, India
Consultant, 38 years of experience , , ,
Dr. Reshma Rao is a gynecologist and laparoscopic surgeon with 38+ years of experience.
Dr. Manik S. Potwar
Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, Mumbai, India
Infertility SpecialistConsultant, 40 years of experience , ,
Dr. Manik S. Potwar is a gynecologist, obstetrician and infertility specialist with 40+ years of experience.
Dr. Shabbir Suterwala
MBBS, Diploma in Orthopedics
18 years experience overall