India is fast catching up with the world’s topmost medical tourisms destinations. Find out why.


The tide is turning in favour of the medical tourisms industry in India at a brisk speed, and the world won’t be surprised if India soon gets the coveted status of the best medical tourism destinations.

This revelation was made by a government official at the third edition of Advantage Healthcare India 2017 summit, held by FICCI recently in the national capital. The medical tourism in India is expected to turn into a 9 billion industry by 2020 putting India on the map of the ‘fastest growing medical tourism destinations in Asia.’
Medical tourisms refers to people visiting another country apart from their own for healthcare or medical treatment.


“During the early days of medical tourism, the attention was always given to developed countries. It has now shifted to Asia, and India is among the fastest growing medical destinations in Asia,” said Rita Teaotia, Secretary, Ministry of Commerce.

Ayurveda, yoga and wellness sectors in India are the key harbingers of progress in the country, and these have the potential to raise India as one of the topmost tourist destinations in the world, the official said at the conference.


“Ayurveda has managed to catch the attention of many countries, especially European countries. The government will continue to focus on global acceptance of Ayurveda on the lines of Chinese medicine,” said Rita Teaotia.

There are plans in the pipeline to introduce a medical and wellness tourism policy for Bangalore. Gaurav Gupta, Principal Secretary of Department of IT, Biotechnology and Tourism for Karnataka, said: “Karnataka, with direct connectivity to world capitals, 56 medical colleges and 19 National Accreditation for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) accredited hospitals, is soon going to come out with a medical and wellness tourism policy.”

Rise of Medical Tourism

Medical tourisms refers to rapidly emerging practice of travelling across countries to avail medical services which meets the pocket size and quality as well. It can be a major opportunity for the Indian healthcare sector if tackled in the right manner. The fact that India is able to provide highly subsidised rates for medical services, this opens up a massive door for international patients to be treated in the country.

We also produce some the of most specialised and highly skilled doctors with interventions in medical technology evolving at a rapid pace, this in turn can allure multiple patients from around the world to be treated in India

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