Travocure Healthcare services:

Healthcare requirements of global medical travelers are changing. Not all countries have the expertise or infrastructure in providing advanced treatments and facilities. Our comprehensive list of healthcare services covers almost all treatments including the technologically advanced ones. We support you with the best facilities ensuring your safe return home in better shape and form.

Medical documentation and transfer:

This is your first and foremost requirement in your medical tourism venture. Our service includes:

  • Getting your medical records checked and transferred efficiently to the assigned physician or facility
  • Access to all your medical records including the past and present ones
  • Convenient future follow ups and treatments if necessary.

Consultation, Appointment Fixing and Treatment Planning:

  • Get our professional consultation services through mail/Skype/Telemedicine
  • Fix your appointment and date of visit.
  • Our trained executives will work with physicians and quality medical/wellness facilities taking care of your budget
  • Plan a treatment schedule for you.

Transparent Cost Estimation:

Cost is one of the prime concerns for every medical traveler.  Service charges and package costs offered by Travocure mostly are in the affordable range. Our dealing with huge volume of patients and travelers contribute to maintain a competitive rate. You will get transparent cost estimation with no hidden surprises. In case any change or alteration is required, you will be notified and approval sought before making it effective.