How Wellness Vacations help you to recover from burnout

When you experience tremendous stress at workplace and feel undervalued, you give in to a hell lot of tensions and anxieties causing work burnout. Have you ever thought that it can have a serious bearing on your physical and mental wellness? You might slip into depression if you do not address it timely.  A wellness vacation can give you the much desired respite.

Work burnout is emerging as an insidious pandemic. Millions around the world were sandwiched between work related stress and meeting targets for existence. Sadly, many people are not aware of the ways to combat it.

Symptoms of work burnout are pretty obvious. Your body starts sending distress signals to your brain that may take different forms like inability to concentrate, continued annoyance and severe headaches. Lack of proper diet and insufficient sleep could well aggravate other health issues

How can a wellness vacation help you to recover from burnout?

As a species, we are a part of nature. Our physical, mental and emotional entities are wired to Mother Nature.  Lush herbages, rivers and oceans, mountains and serene landscapes have a tremendous relieving impact.  Most of the wellness retreats located in the middle of nature help in driving in the mental calm. Miles away from the maddening world and the concrete jungle, you are not put under acid test that facilitates natural healing of your body and soul.  You get the “me time” that allows you to heal and cool off.

Moreover, these wellness recovery retreats have a team of experienced, qualified and efficient stress management experts whose crafted rejuvenation programs help recharge your batteries. They focus on your overall wellbeing offering a bouquet of spa treatments, meditation and yoga classes, healthy eating programs and lot more that adds value to your lifestyle. These are tailor-made services created solely for your wellness not the typical one-size-fits-for-all programs/packages. You can pre-schedule your package as per your choice.

The sessions spent amid nature teach you the science and art of dealing with stress. You learn to bring it under control, restoring balance and bliss in your life that was once lost. Normally, when you are caught in a web in a city grind, your fighting options are lost for being tied up with day to day work. Time is a major factor and a precious one that you are denied.

In wellness retreats, you have ample time and quality time to focus on yourself. Capable coaches are present beside you to navigate you along the correct path to physical and emotional recovery. Burnout recoveries often come in a combined package of medical as well as psychological counseling. Aromatic therapy, music therapy, unwinding sessions, theta healing and relaxation exercises in addition to meditation and yoga are introduced to customers. The objective here is to strike an optimum balance between your mind and body.

Ayurveda and Panchakarma

This time-tested medicine of India takes a holistic and more natural approach for burnout recovery. Specially trained therapists in these retreats are deployed to help you recover from the mental suffering along with reinforcing your physical fitness. You can choose from countless Ayurvedic Wellness stays and resorts and indulge in various types of recovery programs. Needless to mention the price tag varies with treatment features, accommodation standards and other amenities.

In India, Kerala is the heart of Ayurvedic treatments. Wellness retreats in other Indian locations and other destinations in the world also provide these treatments through licensed therapists and specialists.

The preliminary stage goes in deciding on your ‘ Dosha’. They are the types of energy system that guides and activates your mind and is unique to you.  Based on this diagnosis, a holistic wellness plan is drawn out that would guide every aspect of your lifestyle right from food, exercising and other regular habits. The entire exercise is done in a natural setting to give the therapy the maximum beneficial impact on the body-mind interactive plane.

Features of burnout recovery programs

This is a stepwise process which may not be restricted to the following:

  • Medical evaluation of customers
  • Consultations with experts
  • Psychological counseling
  • Yoga, meditation, body wraps, floral baths, spa treatments, massages including foot and hand massage and essential oils massages.
  • Sessions in Reiki and Traditional Chinese medicine
  • Sessions for developing inner strength.

The entire program is designed to give the maximum health benefits to customers.

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