Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, Haryana
At Amrita Hospitals, we talk about excellence, expertise, and compassion because they are values deeply ingrained in our care delivery. Since 1998, Amrita Hospitals have revolutionized healthcare services in Kerala by providing compassionate care to the common people with cutting-edge advances in medical treatment at affordable prices. The internationally recognized body of scientists and physicians at Amrita Hospitals, Kochi has won numerous awards for delivering evidence-based medicine with innovation, expertise, and excellence. The Amrita School of Medicine is ranked 6th in India. Inspired by renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, the hospital is affiliated to Mata Amritanandamayi Math, an NGO with consultative status to the United Nations. This year, we announce another chapter in our history, with the opening of a new medical facility in Faridabad, devoted to serving the healthcare needs of Delhi and surrounding populations. With a planned facility of 2,600 beds, the Amrita Hospital is poised to become one of the largest hospitals in the country.
founded on compassion, and guided by science. where hope becomes the stepping stone to better health, and every treatment is carried forward with patience. where technology and expertise blend seamlessly with empathy and attention.
Amrita Hospital Faridabad is also the largest green building healthcare project in India with a minimal carbon footprint, zero wastewater discharge, and will eventually be solar-powered.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday inaugurated Amrita Hospital at Faridabad, which is being constructed at an estimated cost of around Rs 6,000 crore and aimed at boosting availability of modern medical infrastructure in the National Capital Region (NCR)
Managed by Mata Amritanandamayi Math, the super-specialty hospital will be equipped with 2,600-beds, 534 of which are ICU. The hospital would soon be equipped with 81 speciality departments along with 64 state-of-the-art Operation Theatres and 10 bunkers for precision-medicine oncology. It will eventually be solar-powered. The total built-up area is more than 75 lakhs sq. ft, including 36 lakhs square sq. ft. of hospital buildings, the hospital management said in a statement.
The hospital campus spawning over 130 acres is being dubbed to be one of the largest green-building healthcare projects in India, with a minimal carbon footprint and zero wastewater discharge. Amrita Hospital, Faridabad will serve not only the people of Faridabad and the State of Haryana, but also the entire population of Delhi-NCR and the adjoining states of UP, MP, Punjab, and Rajasthan, as well as other states in North and North-East India.
It is expected to reduce healthcare costs in the region, because it operates as a non-profit enterprise. The hospital is also putting a strong focus on mother-and-child healthcare. This will include a highly specialised multidisciplinary children’s hospital with maternal, reproductive, and foetal medicine and all paediatric subspecialities including paediatric cardiology, heart surgery and transplantation, rheumatology, endocrinology, pulmonology, neurosciences, paediatric genetics, gastroenterology, paediatric orthopaedics and paediatric and foetal surgery.