Gleneagles Global Hospitals, Hyderabad, Telangana
Gleneagles Global Hospital, located at Lakdi-ka-pul, was the first Gleneagles Global Hospitals facility opened in Hyderabad. It is known as one of the best tertiary care multi-super speciality hospitals in India. The hospital has been at the forefront of performing rare and complex surgeries including Liver & Kidney transplants, first Heart transplant in the region, amongst others. Expert care and advanced surgical procedures are offered at the facility for a wide range of specialties.
The hospital has tie-ups with all major cashless health insurance players and is empaneled with all major corporates in the city. The hospital also offers VideoConsult services to its patients in India and SAARC nations as pre-admission and post-admission care services.
Dr Ravi Kumar
Department: Medical Oncology & Haematology
Designation: Consultant
Qualification: MBBS, DNB, ECMO, FCCP, FCGP
Dr K Saketh
Department: Orthopedics
Designation: Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon, Sports Surgery (Arthroscopy) and Joint Replacement (Arthroplasty)
Qualification: MBBS, M.S(Orthopaedic Surgery), FHKS (NUH, Singapore), FSS (KTPH, Singapore)
Dr Venkata Ramana Vemuri
Department: Orthopaedics
Designation: Senior Consultant - Orthopedics & Spine Surgery
Qualification: MS, DNB(Ortho)
Dr Aradya Bheemathati
Department: Dermatology
Designation: Consultant
Qualification: MBBS , MD , DVL (OMC)
Dr Prapulla Chandra D
Department: Pulmonology
Designation: Consultant
Qualification: MBBS, MD (Pulmonary Medicine)
Dr Tapaswi Krishna P
Department: : Pulmonology
Designation: Consultant – Pulmonology
Qualification: MBBS, MD (Pulmonary Medicine)
Dr. Vyshnavi Bommakanti
Department: ENT
Designation: Consultant ENT Surgeon and Otorhinolaryngologist
Qualification: M.B.B.S
Dr M Sai Sudhakar
Department: Cardiology
Designation: Chief Interventional Cardiologist & Chief Cardiac Transplant Physician
Qualification: MD, DM , FRCP (Edin), FACC (USA)
Dr G Sridhar
Department: Nephrology
Designation: Consultant
Qualification: MD, DM
Dr Jella Ramashankar
Department: Nephrology
Designation: Consultant
Qualification: MD, DM (Nephrology)
Airport Distance:29km
Driving Time : 22minute