Smile Hair Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey
Hair Transplantation
Smile Hair Clinic is one of the most important hair transplantation clinics in Istanbul, Turkey’s heart. In Smile Hair Clinic, which is managed by Dr Gökay Bilgin and Dr Mehmet Erdoğan, who are globally recognized in their field, their patients’ satisfaction is at the forefront. Doctors follow all operations processes, and each team member involved in the operation has received medical training. Hair transplantation surgeries have been performed on many patients from different countries, and successful results have been obtained.
As a marketing tool, utopic results are not promised. According to your expectations, all possible scenarios are explained in advance. The areas to be transplanted are decided with you by explaining the processes and factors affecting the hair transplantation outcome. Thus, you will not be disappointed after months of waiting.
Smile Hair Clinic cares about your health and is prepared for all possible complications. Periodically, the entire team receives recurrent training on emergency life support, according to AHA (American Heart Association) guidelines.
Hair Transplant
- FUE Hair Transplant
- Sapphire Hair Transplantation
- Beard Transplant
- Eyebrow Transplant
- DHI Hair Transplant Turkey(Direct Hair Implant)
- Hair Transplant Turkey Cost
- Hair Treatment With Mesotherapy
- Body Hair Transplant
VIP Travel Package
Accomodation (Room + Breakfast : 2 nights single. Double difference at 4 star hotel: 10 € / at 5 start hotel: 20 €)
VIP Airport transfers (Airport/Hotel - Hotel/Clinic – Hotel/Airport)
4 star hotel Extra night Single Accomodation: 55 €/night - Extra night Double Accomodation: 65 €/night
5 star hotel Extra night Single Accomodation: 100 €/night - Extra night Double Accomodation: 120 €/night -
3rd or more companions at VIP Transfers 40 €/person for one way travel