Personalised Services for Medical Travellers

If you ask, what are the expectations of medical travellers? The answer in short would be personalised services and care covering all aspects of medical tourism. When a patient lands in a foreign land for treatment, he/she also needs additional non-medical support which comes through concierge services. This helps him/her to go through the treatment smoothly and recover fast without going through unnecessary worries.

Planning for medical tourism from the home comfort and executing the same in a distant land are two different ball games. After landing in a foreign country, the patient may find the entire process too intimidating. A helping hand through personalised services can make things smooth and easy. This is the best way to experience medical tourism which can be safe and much less stressful. Concierge services entail total service and care both in medical and non-medical aspects.

Top clinics, medical tourism facilitators and companies are more focused on this personalised service. Thus, the demand for concierge services is on the rise. The dedicated International Patient Department of hospitals/clinics provides curated personalised services to elevate the quality of care in medical tourism.

To stay in the business among the growing competitiveness, offering personalised care and support through specially hired concierge has been fetching good returns along with enhancing customer relationships. Concierge services are developed focusing on three key areas- physicians, hospitals, and patient and his/her accompaniments.

Physicians & Hospitals on Personalised Services

Concierge services in healthcare focus on the availability of immediate physician attention that a patient expects. The physician needs to be accessible round-the-clock over phone or email. Free check-ups and recommending other preventative wellness programs are other services that patients often look for. Hospitals and clinics often add more amenities and special services apart from Wi-Fi connections and room services. Some hospitals go out of the way with entertainment services like movies, online games, patient education videos and snack carts for the patient’s family or friends accompanying him/her.

Personalised care for patients and his/her accompaniment

Special care and services for those accompanying patients is an important feature of concierge services. Patients are always concerned of their loved ones accompanying in the trip. If they are well taken care of, it aids in patient recovery.

The following support services can be incorporated in the concierge services:

  • Airport pick up and drop facility
  • Assisting in hospital admission procedure and taking through all the processes until disengagement from the hospital
  • Arranging food, accommodation, and transport for the patient and those accompanying him/her.
  • Assisting in language support
  • Assisting the patient’s family/friends in other non-medical requirements like shopping, going around places and coordinating with the hospital management and patient.
  • Arranging for proper treatment and support during the recovery phase after being discharged from the hospital. If institutional recovery is not advised, arrangements can be made in a pleasant relaxing environment to facilitate faster recovery.
  • Coordinating with the hospital and associated physicians to deal with post operative problems if any.
  • Accompanying the patient for post-treatment checkups.
  • Planning wellness consultation programs and travel itineraries
  • Arranging for all travel and tourism related bookings negotiating the best rate and accompanying them if required.

Care managers to support your need-based personalised services

Although concierge services encompass a lot of things, medical travellers may not need all of these. Some may need a few of these services. They can look for specific services based on their needs. Hospitals and medical tourism companies have designated care managers for efficient handling of the entire gamut of concierge services.

The concerned person is fluent in local languages and shoulders the entire responsibility of coordination and communication in everything that you need in medical tourism.  He stands as the strongest supporting pillar not only for the patient but also for those accompanying him assuring that everything is and will be fine.

Such a valued service gives you tremendous confidence and morale boost at a time when you are devoting all your energy and focus towards the treatment anticipating a stress-free recovery. In case of any untoward event, the care manager steps in and does whatever needs to be done to help in your purpose. It can be making new arrangements or tweak the existing ones to enable comfortable uneventful medical care and recovery.

2 replies
  1. concierge services
    concierge services says:

    Good article! I see your points as being valid and I appreciate the way you expressed yourself in this material. after reading this blog I get to know more about personalized services for medical travelers and it’s amazing. Thank you for sharing this blog.

  2. Victoria Addington
    Victoria Addington says:

    I liked it the most when you shared that the patient can be accompanied for post-treatment checkups. My friend wants to go to a concierge medical clinic. I should advise her to turn to a clinic with positive reviews from past patients.


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